Stop Chasing Leads & Start Closing More Deals

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Leads| Rankings | Revenue

This is not just a CRM. This is a managed marketing automation platform that helps you nurture leads, automate your sales process, and increase conversions.

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Get to leads in record time!

Did you know that if you respond to a lead vis sms within minutes of receiving it you will increase your response rate by over 60%!!! We automate this process for you.

Automatically Fill Your Schedule

Our system not only schedules your appointments, but it sends reminders and follow ups on canceled appointments. Think of us like your own AI virtual assistant!

Conversations Lead To Conversions

No need to wait on a rep to call your leads. We initiate the process for you. We can route calls wherever you need them to go through our marketing automations.

Our Platform's

Intuitive Features Include

Lead Nurture Automation

Send automated messages across multiple channels to increase response rates, like SMS and email for example. This way you can reach out immediately when it's most convenient on your end!

Sales Team Manager

Our system allows each sales person to view their leads, track their progress, and communicate with prospects all in one area.

Conversation Consolidation

No more will you have 3-5 locations housing the same conversation. With our system, we consolidate all your conversations into one streamlines location.

Scheduling Automation

You will not find a calendar system as intuitive and sophisticated as ours. A calendar should directly integrate with your marketing automations and CRM. Stop settling for 3rd party tools and be come fully integrated!

Round Robin Lead System

Our system will allow you to rotate which sales person gets which leads. This will help you seamlessly distribute opportunities to all your reps!

Mobile App

Never miss a lead on the go with our mobile app supported on IOS and Google Play Store.

Live Call Transfer

Our platform will allow you to live transfers leads to the appropriate department/sales rep.


Setup tasks and reminders for yourself or your team. You can even build entire campaigns around your tasks!

Advanced Reporting

Learn where sales are coming from and who is converting leads the best with our advanced reporting tools.

We Integrate With Thousands Of Tools

Our integration with Zapier allows you to integrate with thousands of softwares.

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What Our Customers

Are Saying!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this platform hard to learn?

While it is true that our platform has many features, we have dedicated onboarding teams to quickly catch you up on how to use our systems. We also offer a live chat between 9:00-6:00 Central everyday. Wait time is usually no more than 3 minutes.

How Do I Get Started?

Just schedule a demo by clicking the button on which package you are interested in above.

How hard is it to setup automations?

Our workflows are extremely to use. Once you get in and start clicking around you will see that it feels like second nature.

Do I have to sign a contract to get started?

We are a month to month service. You can cancel at anytime.

I already have a CRM how will this help me?

Our platform is used by companies who already have a CRM regularly. By sitting our platform in front of your existing CRM you will be able to automatically nurture your new leads. Once they become qualified you can send them to your CRM. However, after a few months of use... Most people cancel their existing CRM and use ours exclusively.

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